Monday, June 21, 2010

well things are continuing to get worse now they have a rule that staff or residents cannot give a cigarette to another resident .to what end that serves between two adults is beyond normal intelligence not that the facility has to encourage smoking but they shouldnt restrict behavior more thsn normal local or state/fedreal laws now if offering or giving a cigarette from one adult to another was illegal than i could understand it but it isnt against any law that im aware of that makes such an exchangeprohibited between two adults. how obsurd and inocious can establishing a rule other than some idiot had nothing better to do than to dream up more and more obsurd rules that serve no purpose other than to further inflict hymiliation on the residents and give the staff one more thing to get them in troble! it only serves to create an atmosphere of tension to an slready tense envoronment there are residents wandering around here who are already so agitated that they are sitting timebombs just looking for an excuse to blow up! now they have one more reason to blow up. how much more tension can they create before someone twaks off and really hurts someone?

Monday, June 7, 2010

i am so sick and tired of being treated with disrespect and as a child thes kinds of places mske little if anyrationale decisions based on the alert and normally functioning typeof residents they are eager to take the indigent mentally unstable and homeless because for them having a bed tv airconditioning and three squares a day is a sttep up wher as for the rest of us this is a major adjustment which i refuse to accept before you put a loved on parent in on of these places ask yourself the question would you be willing to put yourself in one i strongley suggest that ver few of you would opt to be sequestered in on of these places and it is inhumane for you to even consider placing someone you care abou in here and i detest anyone who would do that to anyone they cae about and deserves better and we give cats and dogs more humane tratment than what the average human gets in a common nursing home.....think sbout it do not even consider heritage healthcare in venice florida or any proprty anaged by omnicare forerly known as secrest management based in tampaflorida they are a for profit corporation and will always put profits before the residentsnevermind what they migt say about state survey results do you trust a ste survey over your own evaluation? visit the property at odd times and observer how many residents sre adrift in their wheelchairs and probably in soiled clothing and/or adult type diaoers and listen to how many of them are moaning, yelling, screaming, crying because they have lost their dignity.