Saturday, May 22, 2010

the truth eeps marching on it is cheaper to pay for an individual to stay in their home than to house them in a warehose for the nearly dead that includes mentally unstable and vilent residents andnot obly wull they be happier they will be safer. nusing homes dont care who they take in because they care more about filling a bed with complete disregard for the safety of the other residents. anyone considering placing a loved one in a nursing home should strongly consider this fact before condeming to a life of misery and possibly their personal safety. reember most nursing homes are for profit typivally owned by individusls or corporations that have nothing to do with the actual operation of these facilitirs they hire management companies to run their faviities and the bottomline is foe them to make money for their owners how do they do that? they will take anyone even those without insurance or the mesns to pay aslong as te facility believes they can get them medicad approved within a short period of time and the facility will take these castoffs in anticipation they will get paid for the time while a resident is medicad pending these facilitieshave social services stafwhose main jobis to admnit a resident apply for them for medicad or medicarethes social services staff ar experts at applying for and getting these pending residents approved and then the facility will gwt reimbursed for the time the resident has already been there aswith the hotel industry its a game of occupancy to make money granted some residents do not have any other option especially when their families are tired of taking care of them and their guilt is assuaged by knowing that their family member is recieving three meals a day a bed to sleep in showering rooms anf their diapers changed yes most residents wear diaperrs if they need to be here most are incotinentor have given up normal self hygiene typically cnas certified nursing assisants are the front line for these jobs of caring for the daily neds of the resident most cns have recieved their training for certification in special schools pffering quick study to pass their cna test and rhen they are typically hired by the lowerpaying facilities at rates just above minimum wage and recieve their actual training on the job for a couple to a few days before being assigned to a to group of residents many are foriegn nationals who speak little or poor english and often have to rely on the resident to tell them what they are supposed to do nextas they have reached the limit of their training rsidents often complain about how little cnas really know most have no medical knowledge and when confronted with an issue they are not prepared to deal with will simply turn around snd leave the room to summon a nurse now the nurses can either be rnsor lpnswhose primary job is to dispense the residents drugs they can not do anything ver muchmedically without a dictors order as these facilities are extremely paranoid about doing anything without a doctors order a nurse cannot dispense anything without a dictors order you may think this a a good standard practive but it can impede a residents ability to deal with an ailment as simple as a cold where the resident could have simply gone before to a drugstore and purchased anyone of a number of over the couter symtom relief medications but instead are forced yowait for a dovtor peder before a jurse may dispense anything anf then the next game is the order must be for something that has to be ordered from a pharmacy wgich can take days to get again another game to make money rarather than buy a much less expensive ocer the counter remedy they must order aa prescription which who knows how much more expensive it is than a mor redily available local drugstore remedy again it comes down to how a nursing home makes money and they can make money from prescriptions but not from a localover the counter remedy because in order to make money they need to only do what they can bill for and they cant bill medicad for thr cheaper local remedy it all just a gig game hoe to get over on medicad and medicare i suggest the federal and state dofernments could save millions by allowing the use od local remedys but then the doctor cant bill for their time that cater to nursung homes because they get paid per visit not by telling a nurse to dispense a local remedy there are typically one or two doctores that cater to each nursing home and they can be responsible for a caseload probably much lsarger than if they were to maintain their own practive i think it makes the qulifications and expertise of these doioctors suspect and residents will often cmplain they have not seen a doctor for weeks or months at a time qhile they ahave complaintsor problems that go unattended in order for a resident to get an xray a referral to a specialist their assighned dovtor must make the order before any steps are tsken to treat the resident once again it a game that facilities must play to get paid i truly dont know what the numbers are but i woyld estimate that well iver half of the residents in these facilities are eithr on medicad or medicare

Sunday, May 9, 2010

welcome to my new blog

the truth about nursing homes
may 9 2010
this blog was created out my ongoing frustration from living in a nursing home
where to start in general todays nursing homes are not your grandfathers nursing home in general they are cleaner but have become dumping grounds for unwanted parents, relatives the mentally impaired how i wound up in one is simple i had a strike on 1212/07 and after exhsusting all my funds for home healthcare i was forced to go to a nursing home at age 52 my first reaction after becoming aware of my surroundings was i was dreaming and if i could just wake up everything would be as it was the dreamstate was induced by what turned out to be a very bad urinary tract infection of which i have now had several and it is amazing what an infection like that can do to your mind ok so to make a long story short im in my second nursing home called heritage healthcare in venice florida and it is about the same experience as being in the movie one flew over the coocoosks nest and i play the role of ack nicholson im far too young and mentally alert to be here each day i am sorounded by old people and mentally incompetent residents who are yelling, screaming adrift in the halls in their chairs ther to be pushed from part of the building to the other so they have a change of sceneryif you think mom or dad or cousin is being treated with dignity you are dreaming and put them here to alieviate your guilt about not wanting to take care of them and as long as they get three squares a day s bed to sleep in and their diaper changed theyll be ok and if you visit them once a week or at all your conscious wsill be free tske a couple steps back andpay aunanounced visit so youll get the real experience or better yet spend one night in such a favility snd ask yourself wold you ever want to live in those conditions or would you rsther be taken out behinf the barn and mercifully shot. these are facts i have to deal with everydayand they are not pretty on last parting shot for todays blog stay away frommy nursing home and do not ever consider placing someone you know or love here. especially if they ar under 70 and mentally alert!